United Kingdom
Book Depository is a leading international book retailer with a unique offer – over 20 million books and free delivery worldwide (with no minimum spend). We ship thousands of books every day from our fulfilment centres in Gloucester, United Kingdom, and Melbourne, Australia, to more than 130 countries across the world – displaying prices in 37 different local currencies. Our vision is to provide “All Books Available to All” by improving selection, access and affordability of books. Book Depository was acquired by Amazon in 2011, and since then we have worked together to ensure the best possible experience for all our customers worldwide. By working with Amazon, we have improved our customer service and delivery, and increased our selection of books to more than 20 million, so not only will you find a great read, but we hope you'll find your experience with us is even better. We still have a dedicated team at Book Depository working to maintain the personal experience that we know our customers love. All of us, from Customer Service right through to Marketing and Finance are very passionate about books. We love making recommendations for titles and sharing the books we've loved with you, and we don't plan on changing that any time soon. As a bookseller, we believe that providing access to the written word is important, including content that may be considered objectionable. We carefully consider the types of content we make available in our stores and review our approach regularly, listening to feedback and investigating concerns from our customers. We reserve the right to remove content from sale if we determine it creates a poor customer experience. Vendors are responsible for adhering to our content guidelines. We invest significant time and resources to enforce these guidelines. We'll remove content that does not adhere to these guidelines and promptly investigate any book when notified of potential noncompliance. If we remove a title, we let the Vendor know, and they can appeal our decision.
From humble beginnings, Blackwell has built a worldwide reputation for unrivalled customer service, specialist knowledge and a passion for book selling. We continue to be a fiercely independent family-owned, values led business, where putting our customers first is at the very heart of what we do. The first bookshop opened by a member of the Blackwell family was in Oxford but was actually in 1846. We take the year of 1879 as our founding since it was on January 1st of that year that our bookshop on Broad Street, Oxford first opened its doors, and we have been trading continuously from there ever since. 1879 was the year that Thomas Edison created the first lightbulb, Broad Street was cobbled and, no doubt, filled with the sound of hooves clipping along it. Since then, we have grown to become more than just one bookshop, with a chain of 30 bookshops serving not only individual customers but also a host of libraries, universities, businesses and government departments. We employ over 500 staff across the country. The Oxford bookshop itself has grown; sideways, upwards and, most notably, underground. The Norrington Room was opened over fifty years ago and for many years was proudly listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the single largest room in the world selling books. The shop has garnered mentions in numerous books, employed booksellers who have gone on to be award-winning authors, featured in a variety of films, and been a haven for the bookish from all parts of the globe. Constructed under the supervision of Julian Blackwell in 1966, our vast basement is the academic heart of Blackwell's Bookshop. Named after Sir Arthur Norrington, then President of Trinity College, it is quite simply one of the world's greatest rooms of books and is an essential place to see if you are visiting Oxford. It was then the world's largest single display of books in one room, with 160,000 volumes on two-and-a-half miles of shelving. In 1995, Blackwell's became one of the first retailers to go online. We launched our website, as part of 'Barclay Square' – an online shopping mall – where you could virtually visit Blackwell's and other large retailers. This article stated that 'Credit card details can be used in these systems and shielded from cyber-space highwaymen.' In 1995, blackwell.co.uk became the first transactional online bookstore in the UK, giving people across the world access to over 150,000 titles. Our mission is to become the world’s most trusted bookseller and to change lives through reading and books.
Not so long ago our founders, Gauthier and Matt, were students struggling to pay for textbooks, like so many of their peers. Textbook prices continue to skyrocket, leaving students unable to afford the resources they need. Some students resort to piracy and second-hand books, but many others are priced out of the education system altogether. This not only limits student’s access to knowledge but also leaves researchers, authors and the publishing industry at a loss. Perlego was born to provide an affordable (and sustainable) textbook solution for learners around the world, by partnering with publishers and removing the costs of print, distribution, and retail markup. We believe education has the power to transform lives. By empowering people with all the resources they need to learn, we can give everyone a fair chance at a brighter future. Knowing which sources you can trust has never been more important. By partnering with publishers, we support researchers and the creation of trustworthy educational resources. We’ve built sustainability into our core by cutting out resource-heavy print and distribution services. As we grow, we’re working hard to make a positive impact on our planet.
Anyone can be a Heritage Ambassador. Help take our past into the future. Spread the word and generate revenue. Make heritage your business and earn with your passion for art and culture. ArtAcadia.org is an umbrella organization for everything pertaining to our heritage and respective cultures. Providing a platform for Heritage Ambassadors, to help take our past into the future. We are a passionate community that is compiling a comprehensive global directory and cultural map. Facilitating networking, training, work opportunities, events and marketplace.