Emmerentia Dippenaar

Live and love as if there is no tomorrow!

Hi, my name is Emmerentia. I was born in the beautiful city of Cape Town, South Africa, in the ‘60’s, which means that I’m an original, retro hippie chick at heart with the good, old-fashioned values to back it up. The highs and lows I’ve dealt with in life have taught me a valuable lesson…time is not guaranteed and is therefore not to be lost. I am enjoying my journey, still learning new life lessons and growing to become the person I am meant to be.

I must pay tribute to the University of Experience and the School of Hard Knocks for the valuable contributions you have made to my life path thus far. Stronger. Wiser. Blessed.

My passion is to help others to reach their full potential. It is even more difficult to do that in one’s own life (it’s so easy giving advice to others, isn’t it?) but making a direct contribution or figuratively planting a seed and watching it take root in someone else’s life is deeply rewarding. We are on this planet to live good lives and to make a positive difference to our direct environment, wherever our feet may fall. Aim for the stars; never forget your roots. Be yourself, stay humble, be kind, be grateful, make love an action…not a word.

My mission is to help people from all walks of life, gain financial independence, while caring for the world around us. Learn how to earn. Make sure you have a meal, an income, clothes, a home and good health.

There is no planet B. I’m a big fan of renewable resources, organic gardens and farming and hugging a tree. Helping our paw-legged friends in shelters, finding furever homes much faster. Same for birds, horses, donkeys, circus prisoners and liberating zoos.

I am an excellent chef in my kitchen 😊 and I love baking (to put it mildly). My cakes and tarts are wickedly good and not being gluten intolerant is still my highlight of the previous decade!

My downtime is spent walking, jogging, going to the beach, horse riding and playing golf.

With over 38 years’ combined experience, accumulated by time spent in the corporate world and having 3 businesses over the years, I have a wealth of experience to share and utilize.

Words, in a personal bio, aren’t plentiful. Not to me, at least. I feel that the chances of someone reading about what your opinion is of yourself and BELIEVING it is remote. The tough part is that you don’t know me, nor I you, yet I’m trying to “convince” you that what I say is who I am as a person and that what I say is what it is. The eyes are windows to the soul…that isn’t exactly happening here, and that sense cannot always be replaced through words alone. So, the moral of the story is that what I list below as my key character traits, strengths, weaknesses, achievements, experience, etc. is in reality simply just that.

Traits: Dedicated, honest, loyal, trustworthy, tenacious, dependable, creative, methodical, sense of integrity, ethical, tough but fair, empathetic, lighthearted and friendly.

Strengths: Comfortable in a team environment or working independently, management, skills utilization, delegation, human relations, conflict resolution, analysis, strategizing, implementation, problem solving, business administration.

Weaknesses: Impatience, self-critique, injustice and rudeness stirs my temper, being micro-managed, cheesecake.

Experience: Sales, sales management, customer relationship management, business administration, directorship and general management of 3 x businesses previously owned/co-owned.

Summary: A self-starter who gets what’s required done, pronto. I am self-motivated, enjoy new challenges and try my best to excel at what’s before me. I love working with people, as this is simply my passion.

  • Listing ID: 13518
Contact details

42 Gill Street, Table View, Western Cape, 7441, South AfricaAfrica,Global,7441 Show phone number ***** http://facebook.com/Emmie1964/

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